Amen Title Amen Vocalist Moses, Oral Voice Type Bass-baritone Composer Hairston, Jester Composer 2+ Bailey, George Uniform Title Amen Accompanied By Piano Album Title Amen! African-American Composers of the 20th Century Publisher/Distributor Name/Number Albany Records TROY459 Date 2001 Format CD URL Tags NT - John, NT - Luke, NT - Mark, NT - Matthew Citation Moses, Oral, “Amen,” The Spirituals Database, accessed December 22, 2024, Output Formats atom csv dc-rdf dcmes-xml json omeka-xml Related Items you might want to check out...Search Item Facets Title: AmenComposer: Hairston, JesterUniform Title: AmenAccompanied By: PianoPublisher/Distributor Name/Number: Albany Records TROY459Date: 2001Format: CDVocalist: Moses, OralVoice Type: Bass-baritoneComposer 2+: Bailey, George ← Previous Item Next Item →